Conducted by Juan Carlos Acosta and Dr. Keith Pedersen
Orlando di Lasso
Katerina Gimon
Joel Thompson
Sarah Quartel
Without Voice
The Fear
III. Amadou Diallo (from Seven Last Words of the Unarmed)
-Performed by SCI Tenors & Basses
-Performed by SCI Sopranos & Altos
Reena Esmail
Adam Davis, Violin
Dale Warland
Adam Davis, Viola
Reena Esmail
David von Kampen
arr. Daniel R. Afonso, Jr.
Emilee Acosta
Bailey Boltz
Kanoa Cavaco
Zoey Choi
Amy Gan
Mitchie Hagle
Corina Morga
Bianka Sanchez
Stephanie Schafstall
Jessica Shaw
Hopelyn Southcombe
Lia Southcombe
Jasper Sussman*
Cielle Chan
Amanda Clifford*
Lyriq Freeman
Lily Hobson
Claire Lee
Patricia Reyes
Elly Roseberry*
Sophia Valenti
Claire Van Rhyn
Keira Vanderlip
Jennifer Xiao
Raphael Delgado
David Limon*
Mack Peterson
Michael Sakell*
William Southcombe
Korbin Werner
Marcus Buu-hoan
Leonardo Carmona
Caeleb Collins
Adam Davis*
Noah Jackson*
Austin Pierce
*Staff and Interns
Calie Grossheim
April Fisher
Jessica Trost
Libby Weber
Lara Korneychuk
Ellie Mout
Danielle Perrault
Elly Roseberry
Aaron Burgett
Brandon Di Noto
Sean McCormac
Michael Sakell
Uriah Brown
Aaron Bullard
Noah Jackson
Zlatoslav Sokolov
Adam Davis
Adam Ferrara
SCI Interns
BJ Robinson
Jennifer Opdahl
Laura WIlliams
Juan Carlos Acosta, Director
Keith Pedersen, Director
Aaron Burgett, Program Manager
Jennifer Opdahl, Pianist
Rebecca Ung, Recruitment Coordinator
Jasper Sussman, Recruitment Coordinator, and Soprano Section Leader
Elly Roseberry, Alto Section Leader
Michael Sakell, Tenor Section Leader
Adam Davis, Graphic Designer, and Bass Section Leader
Amanda Clifford, Intern
Noah Jackson, Intern
David Limon, Intern
Juan Carlos Acosta, Artistic Director
Aaron Burgett, Assistant Conductor
Adam Ferrara, Collaborative Pianist
Rebecca Ung, Chorus Manager
Karl Bunker, President
Tori Haberman, Secretary
Eric Swanson, Treasurer
Leslie Conner
Linda Kewin
Mirabelle Kirkpatrick
Glenda McKibben
Krishan Oberoi
Founded in 2009 by Krishan Oberoi, SACRA/PROFANA quickly gained acclaim as “San Diego’s go-to choral ensemble” for their collaborations with the region’s top performing arts groups including the San Diego Symphony, the Martin Luther King Jr. Community Choir of San Diego, the L.A. Choral Lab, Mainly Mozart, Malashock Dance, La Jolla Playhouse, San Diego Opera, Bodhi Tree Concerts, and San Diego Dance Theater, among many others. Notably, the group gave the red carpet world premiere live performance of Michael Giacchino’s score for Star Trek: Beyond with the San Diego Symphony at San Diego Comic-Con in 2016, as well as Alan Menken’s and Stephen Schwartz’s stage adaptation of Disney’s The Hunchback of Notre Dame at the La Jolla Playhouse in 2014.
Specialists in the work of living composers, SACRA/PROFANA have given world, national, and regional premieres by contemporary luminaries such as David Lang, Sarah Kirkland Snider, Shawn Kirchner, Saunder Choi, Brandon Waddles, Anthony Davis, Amy Gordon, Stephen Feigenbaum, Jason Carl Rosenberg, Stephen Sturk and many others. They have also embraced the challenging choral masterpieces of twentieth century icons Arnold Schoenberg, György Ligeti, Dominick Argento and Ernst Krenek.
The group released their first full length album Elegies & Ecstasies in 2012, followed by the world premiere recording of when we were children by David Lang in 2014. Since then, the group has produced numerous recordings and videos, most notably their socially distant pandemic cover of “Cars” by Gary Numan. SACRA/PROFANA recently released A Longing for Christmas with Grammy award winning producer Peter Rutenberg.

Juan Carlos Acosta was appointed Associate Artistic Director and principal conductor of SACRA/PROFANA in 2015, and named Artistic Director in 2018. Under his direction, the group has continued its artistic excellence and commitment to contemporary choral music, while diversifying its repertoire, representation and engaging in socially relevant issues.
Juan Carlos has received critical praise for his interpretations, as well his refinement of the choral sound, with Ken Herman (San Diego Story) writing “The warm, superbly balanced sonority of Sacra/Profana persuasively communicated this work’s emotional depth. Kudos to Acosta for cultivating such a well-balanced, finely tuned ensemble sound that still retains the color and vitality we cherish in a great singer.”
In 2018 Juan Carlos conducted San Diego Opera’s collaborative performance of All is Calm: The Christmas Truce of 1914 for three sold out audiences and live broadcast on KPBS. The performances were hailed as “masterfully conducted” (San Diego Union-Tribune) and were awarded the 2018 Craig Noel Special Event award by the San Diego Theater Critics Circle.
Over a career that is approaching twenty years, Juan Carlos has been active nationally, regionally, and locally as speaker, presenter, and clinician for such groups as Choristers Guild, the American Guild of Organists, the San Diego Arts Mega Conference, and the California and American Choral Directors Association (ACDA). Together with composer Brandon Waddles, Juan Carlos and SACRA/PROFANA were awarded the inaugural Diverse Voices Collaborative Grant by the ACDA for a work based on the life and work of activist James Baldwin for double choir and jazz trio.
In addition to his work with SACRA/PROFANA, Juan Carlos Acosta also serves as the Director of Worship at the Village Community Presbyterian Church, where he directs the Chancel Choir, Youth Choir, Choral Scholars, and the Village Community Chorale. He has also conducted the Concert Choir and Choral Scholars of the University of San Diego, the Cuyamaca College Choir, and served as choral director for the Chula Vista School for the Creative and Performing Arts. He holds a Bachelor of Music Education, and a Masters of Music in Choral Conducting from San Diego State University. Juan Carlos has done additional study with Charles Bruffy at the Westminster Conducting Institute, and Jon Washburn with the Vancouver Chamber Choir.

Dr. Keith Pedersen is in his twenty-fourth year on the faculty of Point Loma Nazarene University. After graduating from Northwest Nazarene University, he returned to his native Canada to direct high school choirs for six years. While earning graduate degrees in choral conducting from Temple University and the University of Illinois, he also directed church and community choirs and conducted several orchestras. At PLNU he is the conductor of the PointLoma Singers, a chamber choir; the Choral Union, a 150+ voice choir of students and community musicians that sings choral masterworks with orchestra; and the Vocal Jazz Ensemble program. In addition to his conducting responsibilities, he has taught courses in music history, conducting, and voice. He has been a choral clinician on both the east and west coasts. Dr. Pedersen has also served as the Director of Choral Ministries at La Jolla Presbyterian Church for the last 21 years.

Jenn Opdahl graduated Summa Cum Laude from Concordia College (Moorhead, MN), where she earned a Bachelor of Music Degree in Music Theory with independent coursework in composition. Her major instruments of study were tuba and piano, with performance experiences ranging from brass ensembles, concert band, and orchestra to chamber vocal music and choir. Jenn worked in music publishing for over 10 years before starting a career in education. Having taught in a variety of settings and capacities, she also earned a Master in Education degree from Point Loma Nazarene University. Jenn currently teaches orchestra, choir, and guitar in the Sweetwater Union High School District. An active member of the San Diego music community, Jenn has been a church musician in numerous local parishes, served as rehearsal accompanist for SACRA/PROFANA, and is a founding member of the Pacific Sound Brass Quintet.
Audite Nova - Orlando di Lasso
Audite nova!
Der Baur von Eselskirchen,
der hat ein feiste gaga Gans,
das gyri gyri gaga Gans!
Die hat ein langen, feisten, dikken, weidelichen Hals,
bring her die Gans,
hab dir’s, mein trauter Hans!
Rupf sie, zupf sie, feud sie, brat sie, z’reiß sie, friß sie!
Das ist Sankt Martins Vögelein,
dem können wir nit Feind sein!
Knecht Heinz, bring her ein guten Wein
und schenk uns tapfer ein;
laß umhergahn, in Gottes Nam’ trinken wir gut Wein und Bier
auf die g’sotten Gans, auf die braten Gans, auf die junge Gans,
daß sie uns nit schaden mag.
Hear the news!
The farmer from Eselkirchen
has a plump goose,
(goose noises)
It has a long, fat, thick, willowy neck:
Bring here the goose
Do you have it, my trusty Hans?
Shear it, pluck it, scald it, roast it, carve it, devour it!
That is St. Martin's little bird,
with whom we would not enemies be!
Servant Heinz, bring here a good wine
and gift us one bravely;
let it go all around, in God's name we drink good wine and beer
to the boiled good, to the roasted goose, to the young goose
that it may not harm us.
A Path to Hope - Katerina Gimon
1. Without Voice
Loose, percussive interpretation of the morse code spelling of the word “voiceless.”
2. The Fear
It’s not the change but the fear that holds me down.
3. Believe
Believe that someday soon we will sing again as one.
III. Amadou Diallo (from "Seven Last Words of the Unarmed”) - Joel Thompson
Mom, I'm going to college.
As You Sing - Sarah Quartel
Your voice is like the breath of spring when first it wakes the flowers
I blossom brightly as you sing and flourish by your side
And in your singing I am found
Your voice is like the breath of spring—I flourish by your side
Your voice is like a cherry tree in playful bloom beside me
I dance and flutter as you sing and shine when you are near
And in your singing I am found
Your voice is like a cherry tree—I shine when you are near
Your voice is like the breath of spring
I blossom brightly as you sing
Your voice is like a cherry tree
I shine when you are near
Your voice is like an ancient oak that stands in gentle strength
My roots run deeper as you sing
And in your singing I am found
Your voice is like the breath of spring, a cherry tree, an ancient oak
You sing me safely home
When the Violin - Reena Esmail
The violin
Can forgive the past
It starts singing.
When the violin can stop worrying
About the future
You will become
Such a drunk laughing nuisance
That God
Will then lean down
And start combing you into
When the violin can forgive
Every wound caused by
The heart starts
The Voices - Dale Warland
I would never go into the dark without the voices,
I have come to rely on how they mend us
among the ruins
of what we have hoped for.
Doubt was never the root of us,
doubt winds itself, again and again,
around our doing, but it was never the source,
joy is the source, foliage of joy;
always the light, the shadows,
always the leaves.
From where I stand now, I cannot see every singer,
but looking out across the years,
listening in ways learned
only from them, I can hear all the song.
TāReKiṬa - Reena Esmail
Text syllables are onomatopoeic vocalizations of the sounds produced by Indian instruments.
I Am Possibility - Dale von Kampen
I am possibility
Taken under wing
Growing roots
I raise my voice
Lifted up, I sing.
I am hope unlimited
Purple morning sky
Youthful sparrow
Learns to soar
Gliding now, I fly.
I am faithful promise
Winter into spring
Tended seeds
Yield summer gifts
Planted here, I sing.
Ascending toward the clouds,
Then back to the ground.
I am possibility
I am faithful sound
A joyful noise
Echoing abound.
Samba-lelê - arr. Daniel R. Afonso, Jr.
Samba-lelê está doente
Está com a cabeça quebrada
Samba-lelê precisava
De umas dezoito lambadas
Samba, samba,
Samba ô Lelê
Pisa na barra da saia ô Lalá
Ó Morena bonita,
Como é que se namora ?
Põe o lencinho no bolso
Deixa a pontinha de fora
Ó Morena bonita
Como é que se casa
Põe o véu na cabeça
Depois dá o fora de casa
Ó Morena bonita
Como é que cozinha
Bota a panela no fogo
Vai conversar com a vizinha
Ó Morena bonita
Onde é que você mora
Moro na Praia Formosa
Digo adeus e vou embora.
We are grateful to our supporters for their generous contributions! Please join us in thanking them for being an important part of what we do. Total donations July 1, 2021 to June 30, 2022. Please let us know if any info is listed incorrectly.
Visionaries $10,000+
Betsy Manchester
Sandra New
Underwriters $5,000-9,999
Tori & Aaron Haberman
Peter Rutenberg
Sustainers $2,500-4,999
Karl & Leslie Bunker
Susan Childs
Larry & Susan Gerling
Linda Kewin
Glenda McKibben
Susan & Douglas McLeod
Benefactors $1,000-2,499
Juan & Andrea Acosta
Clifford & Carolyn Caldwell
Leslie Conner
Fusenot Foundation
David & Patricia Lokensgard
Krishan Oberoi
Eric & Rexanna Swanson
Greta & Stephen Treadgold
Advocates $500-999
Walter Baumhoff
Jan & Rick Farley
Alan & Pam Hay
Carol Manifold
Holly & Warren Otto
Deborah Rimkus
Friends $250-499
Anneke Doty
William Slack & Mark Malean
Supporters $100-249
David Bardwick
Steven Barkley
Jay & Mary Hanson
Mary Koto
Stacey Love
Joani Nelson
Mary Ellen O’Malley
Mary Ray
Elaine & Doug Muchmore
Bill & Georgiana Simmons
Kent Swedell
Thank You!
Clara Joy Welcome, Program Design
Donate online: www.sacraprofana.org/donate
By Check Payable to:
P.O. Box 712049, San Diego, CA 92171-2049
SACRA/PROFANA is a registered 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN 46-0549914. All donations to support SACRA/PROFANA are tax-deductible to the extent allowed by law.
Financial support is provided by the
City of San Diego.

Point Loma Nazarene University is pleased to co-host this event in partnership with SACRA/PROFANA. More information on the university can be found at pointloma.edu
Join us next year from July 10th-15th for SCI 2023! Send an email to sci@sacraprofana.org to be notified when registration opens.